Monday, August 27, 2018

Travel Story of Sukkur,Pakistan.

Travel Story of Sukkur

Sukkur is a city in the Pakistani province of Sindh along the western bank of the Indus River, directly across from the historic city of Rohri. Sukkur is the third largest city in Sindh after Karachi and Hyderabad, and is 14th most populous city in Pakistan. The
major language of people of this area is Sindhi.

New Sukkur was established during the British era alongside the village of Sukkur. Sukkur's hill, along with the hill on the river island of Bukkur (Bukkur Island), form what is sometimes considered the "Gate of Sindh.
Old Sukkur" was initially a small village prior to the establishment of a military garrison in 1839. Sukkur was built on a low limestone ridge on the banks of the Indus River. The city was once surrounded by groves of date palms that were traditionally believed to have grown from the discarded date-pits from Arab invaders in the 8th century.
Visiting Places:
There are lots of Visiting place in Sukkur like
 Lansdowne Bridge                           Sukkur Barrage
Ghenta Ghar                                     Bukkur Island
Sadhu Bela                                         Tomb of Seven Sisters
Arore                                                 Masoom Shah Jo Minaro
Adam Shah's Tomb                         Lloyd Barrage Museum

Now we come to a story of mine when I travel toward Sukkur.

I go to Sukkur with my Friend We Are going there to give a test for Job me and my friend decided to spent a night at house of relative of my friend. We go to his home and he welcomed us as we already informed him. He offered to us dinner and then he told us that he has a night shifting job so he cannot spend more time with us and then leave us we both are tired so we went to sleep. In the morning we wake up early in the morning then we come to know that the house in which we spent night are well maintain from inside but the condition from out side is very poor I don’t know why it really look like a house that was destroyed only from outside. Then after taking bath we started to revise the notes about job test. Then after some time the owner of house came with breakfast for us it was fried egg and Pratha after taking breakfast we all go to nearby road to take rikshaw to reach the test center after some time we reached.  test center where after some formalities and waiting for some time we take exam and leave the test center. then we both decided to go toward the nearby visiting place one of them was nearest from our location it was a bridge we listen lot of things about it as the name of this bridge is Qanchi pull (Seizer bridge) and who construct it lost his hand as the ruler of that time want to make the bridge unique so he cut the hands of constructor so that he never made any bridge like this bridge. we also listened that there was a big lock at its center by which it was opened and closed. But all the things were wrong the name of that bridge was Lansdowne Bridge As shown below constructed in 1887.

then we see there was a Cemetery on A mountain near to that bridge then we go there and inquire about it then we come to know that it was a tomb of seven sisters the guard there was tell us that they not sisters but friends who was buried there then we go upward on mountain to see the Graves as they look different. From bridge we see there are seven graves in a line and some others all of them are in same design as in image Bellow

then from there we saw building of a Temple other side of river from Bukker island it was a Hindu Temple name as Sadhu Bela as in map marked with blue line then we decided to go there but my friend tired and he also feel hungry then he says please go for a food shop then we make few pictures and move down from a small mountain an went to search for food shop

but there was no any good hotel so go to take an auto Rickshaw there we see a tractor that was made by a local mechanic then I make a picture

and go toward Auto we sit in them go toward market there we see Ghenta gher (Clock Tower) it was historical building but due to lack of maintenance it looks like ruined building there was hotel from where we take a lunch and then decided to leave for home because the time was now 4:00 pm so we leave hotel after lunch and moved toward the bus Stop on Auto there when we are moving toward bus stand we see a Barrage Named as Sukkur Barrage it was one of big barrages  of Pakistan then we reached on Bus Stand then soon the  bus was arrived and we move on it . so, it was my little story of Travelling to a Sukkur we know we missed lot of places to visit.

Because there were many places to more to visit as I mention above the pictures of some of them are hare:

Masoom Shah Jo Minaro

Small boat near Tomb of Seven Sister in River Indus (Sindh)

Small mountain where the tomb of seven sister was located

Image of Sukkur Barrage


Sunday, August 26, 2018


What is Traveling?


The origin of the word "travel" is most likely lost to history. The term "travel" may originate from the Old French word travail, which means 'work'. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the first known use of the word travel was in the 14th century. It also states that the word comes from Middle English travailen, travelen (which means to torment, labor, strive, journey) and earlier from Old French travailler (which means to work strenuously, toil). In English we still occasionally use the words "travail", which means struggle.


 Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements.


 There is nothing quite like traveling, like seeing a new place for the first time or returning to a favourite place. Travel is thing that I want to do for all the time. it gives me a great pleasure whenever I go away from my home for some purpose, I want to explore the area where I am going it makes me happy and give me lot of benefits. Such as:


 An adventure is an exciting experience that is typically a bold, sometimes risky, undertaking. Adventures may be activities with some potential for physical danger such as traveling, exploring, skydiving, mountain climbing, river rafting or participating in extreme sports.

Keeping Humility:

One of the traveling benefits is finding and keeping humility. Too often, people get wrapped up in their lives, their daily routine of working, sleeping, eating and living. They become self-absorbed to the point it affects their health, their happiness and their perspective

Eating out:

Eating of different types of food in different area of city, country or from world is every one’s desire. One who found of eating and tasting something new and different should travel even with in his country.

Meeting New People:

It’s much easier to make new friends on the road than it is at home, where people are less inclined to chat to strangers on a bus When people are away from home, there seem to be less boundaries to cross and making friends becomes much easier, whether it’s a local curious to know where you’ve come from or a fellow travellers keen to have someone with whom to enjoy a beer or share a taxi. Social interactions make us happier and increasing our social circle means that we’re talking more and meeting different, interesting people, which hopefully means we’re learning more, too.

Exploring History:

while we are travelling through some historical places we come to know about lots of history of that place which are not in many books and we also know about the architecture of old age buildings and much more.


learning a new skill such as cooking food or learning a new language, travel presents ways in which we can further our knowledge and education. Learning makes our brains more active, which psychologists have found increases our level of happiness - particularly when learning something we find enjoyable.

Long Lasting Effect:

Aside from making you happier in the short-term, traveling can make you a much more contented, happy and relaxed person in the long run, too. Of course, most travel enthusiasts are constantly planning their next trip, but when we’re at home or past a point of being able to jet off whenever we like, past travels leave us with the memories and personal skills - such as confidence, broad-mindedness, friends and a more worldly perspective — that make people happy. And that’s why travel makes you a happier person.

Travel Story of Sukkur,Pakistan.

Travel Story of Sukkur Sukkur is a city in the Pakistani province of Sindh along the western bank of the Indus River, directly across...